Special Offers for Your Precious Animals!
Mitigate EMFs and so much more!
Focused Life-Force Energy activates a positive energetic environment that supports the consciousness of your space and provides you more energy to improve the quality of your life. It expands your consciousness, boosts your body’s natural healing ability, increases concentration and creativity, supports healthy sleep, and energizes your living/working space.
Our clients have found that their pets love FLFE!
Pets and domestic animals receive the benefits of the high-consciousness field activated in the FLFE environment. They can use this additional energy in the environment for their own health and well-being.
Some people find that their pets can sense the FLFE service even more than they can, and that pets can be great indicators for the efficacy of the FLFE service.
Some customers have reported their aging pets are now more energized like they were when they were younger! Others notice their pets and more peaceful and able to adapt and adjust to change. Some multiple-pet households notice more loving interactions between different animals.
FLFE has created features specifically for pets!
Immune System Optimization directs life-force energy to low-functioning parts of the immune system. The innate intelligence of the bodies of animals does the work to increase functionality as needed.
GI Tract Optimization: supports the body to use the energy-rich environment to balance positive micro-organisms and the functioning of the GI Tract.
Liver-Kidney-Gall Bladder Optimization: Our research shows an increase in the operational efficiency of the kidneys and liver over time spent in the FLFE field.
Hydration: Pets know to drink more water in a high-consciousness environment where more energy is available for their health and well-being. Many pet owners find that their pets start drinking more water once the FLFE Service begins.
Pets and EMFs: The FLFE service changes conscious-lowering EMFs into neutral and even consciousness-raising EMFs. With the FLFE service some pets may sleep or sit close to routers and modems since that’s where the highest-consciousness field may be activated, according to our research.
Jampha’s Pet Full-Spectrum CBD Infusions have proprietary Synergy Enhanced Terpenes that can help to enhance and support the balance and function of your animal’s joints and connective tissue. Suspended in MCT oil and Organic Salmon Oil, animals love it! Arial’s products arrived during the show! Yes, he loved it!
All their full-spectrum hemp oils are free of GMOs, harmful molds and mycotoxins, heavy metals and microbial. They don’t use any soy, corn, and other contaminants. They’re also third-party tested for purity and potency.
P.S. You, Pet Parent, definitely will want to check out their product that features the super-amazing ORMUS, otherwise known as Monoatomic material, specifically Monoatomic Gold, that has often been directly associated with the Philosopher’s Stone, an elixir of life referred to throughout the ages in ancient and occult alchemical texts. Also found in the chambers of the Great Pyramids.
Put the code “Judy” to get 25% off on any of their many transformative products.
Lori Spagna, Animal Communicator and Energy Healer, is offering listeners of Talk Animal the opportunity to join her Sacred Membership. This program has over 1000 hours of information, energy, healing and activations for BOTH YOU and YOUR ANIMAL COMPANIONS. New content is added frequently and ongoing to keep you up to date and always informed on the most recent, cutting edge information related to Ascension, Awakening, Transformation, Intuitive Development, Health and Wellness.
Put the code “Judy” for $100 off your membership.
Sarah-Jane Farrell
Sarah-Jane Farrell is an Amazing Energy Healer and Animal Communicator. Born in the African bush, she organically could speak with animals at a very young age. The list of healing modalities that she is certified to use is very extensive. She graciously told me that she would like to offer an Animal Communication Special for Talk Animal listeners! Simba and I have used the services of this brilliant Animal Communicator and Medical Intuitive.
She invites You to be Your Own Medicine,and get to the root cause of any suffering that you may be experiencing, so you can be the healthy pack leader for your animal. Also resolve concerns or health issues your animal may have. Her 60-90 minute session is usually $250, but she’ll give Talk Animal listeners a session for only $149! Trust me, you’ll be so happy you’ve gotten a session…..I say that from experience!
FREE CHAPTER from Sarah-Jane’s book:
“Until We Meet Again”
PLUS printable care cards and tender hearted invitations you can give out or wear when you don’t have the words to explain why you aren’t yourself and what you need.
How to speak to your kids about grief and death in a safe and honest way to avoid confusion and anxiety.
In this free chapter, learn what NOT to say and what to say instead to help your kids to understand that death and grief is a natural part of life. Find comfort yourself when your heart is breaking.
Lynn believes that energy work shouldn’t be limited to just humans. Our beloved pets have their own specific health needs and they love soaking up all of the energies that Lynn has to offer. She has worked with dogs, cats, birds, cattle, horses, iguanas, wolves and more!
As a Medical Intuitive, Lynn has worked with hundreds of thousands of clients in over 171 countries & has 30 years of energy work experience.Plus she’s in constant demand as an energy healer for animals!
She energetically dives into the body of her client anywhere in the world AND the body shows her the disease and disharmony and how to change it! Her work includes not just the physical issues but thoughts, feelings and emotions, and even entity work! Lynn empowers her clients to be BFFs with their body and create a more magnificent life
Lynn’s vastly popular Remote Remedies Series is available with special pricing for all Talk Animal listeners.
Includes 9 Modules:
- Addressing General Health
- Aging, Eyes and
- Mobility
- Growths and Hormones
- Behavior
- Skin Issues
- Teeth
- Vaccines
- Physical and Emotional Detox
Homeopathy for Animals
Dr. Christina Chambreau,Homeopathic Veterinarian & Educator
Hear amazing testimonials about how homeopathy has worked for some animals. Homeopathy, conceived 200 years ago gives framework to use any modalities – a way of thinking AND can be used for acute problems too. Key principle of all holistic modalities is there is an energy field (vital force), that when triggered is pushed off balance and the body creates symptoms to get back in balance. The goal is to rebalance so natural healing can occur.
“Fleas be Gone” is a free kindle book. Learn how to avoid the many toxic products that are used.
Be sure to visit Holistic Actions! your home for learning how holistic care and conventional veterinary medicine work together. We make parenting naturally healthy pets easy. Our members have access to professional advice, community support, and current information from the world’s leading experts.
Feel empowered to help your pet live their longest and happiest life.
Use the coupon code “JUDY” for half off the first month of All-Access or Premium membership.
What learnings can we get from our pets? In this episode of Talk Animal, host Judy Anderson and guest Allecia Maine talk about “Getting In Sync with Your Animal’s Body” `12 Master Animal Communicator, Holistic Dog Trainer and Body Alignment Expert, Allecia has been a student of the ancient self-healing martial art of Wu Ming Qo Gong and Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 28 years. This practice helped her be open to develop a powerful healing technique from a dog and a wolf. She found that almost 98% of all undesirable behaviors and health issues come from body alignment. She is offering Talk Animal Listeners her course, “In Sync Body Assessment & Muscle Release Technique Online Course.” CHECK IT OUT HERE. Tune in and listen because this course will support you in assessing your animal just in case a vet is not available right away.
Alecia has an animal communication course that you can also check out: CLICK HERE
Also a reminder to check out http://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com for inspiring conversations to raise your frequency…improve your life!
Jewels Arnes
Experience Healing for Your Pets and Yourself through
Dr. Jean Logan’s Powerful Glyphs
These glyphs have been given to us by the Divine in order to speed our transition into the next dimension. They are empowered in a sacred ceremony with the support of the company of heaven to assist in energizing them.The glyphs work through impulses that are electrical charges. These come from the Central Sun. The Central Sun receives the directive from the Glyph which in turn activates a pulsation. This pulsation is emitted on a regular basis as long as the glyph exists. This is why I recommend destroying the glyphs when you are finished with them. This deactivates all impulses. The glyphs should be respected as sacred.
Where do these glyphs come from? Watch this Video to find out!
Hundreds of people and their animals using these glyphs have received healing on many different levels. You can use a stuffed animal as a surrogate for your animals. These glyphs will lift that veil of why you are here and the answer will come shining through.
Seizures Eliiminated!
"Homer, a 75 pound pit-bull/boxer mix began exhibiting seizures in at 2 years of age. We ran to the E.R. at one in the morning where he had 3 seizures in a row and each one was more unbearable to witness. We learned that any choice of medication conventional or holistic wasn't going to eliminate the seizures but merely prolong the episodes in between. Feeling desperate…I reached out to Dr. Jean as I had read about the use of healing glyphs for a dog experiencing seizures. It has now been 8 weeks to date, the longest ever, Homer has been seizure free! I can see how it could be hard to believe that the glyphs work because of how effortless the application is."
My cat is doing well after being paralyzed from a heart attack
“A year and a half ago my cat Merlin was left paralized following a heart attack and we had a 30 min session. I bought the 3 books and used the glyphs... Normally they put the animals to sleep as the vets do not think that the cats will survive. I still have a teddy bear carrying the glyphs for him and he is doing well. Thank you Jean!”
Glyph saves dog from being put to sleep
"My friend, Janice, was very distressed late one evening because her beloved dog, Abby, was in pain and unable to lie down, eat or do anything other than stand next to her and shake. She had decided to take her to the vet in the morning with the realization that Abby would likely have to be put to sleep as it appeared Abby had a kidney disease. She placed a block of the appropriate glyphs on Abby and one under Abby after getting her to lie down. Janice also put a few drops of Peace & Calming Essential oil blend on the pads of Abby's paws. After about an hour, Abby got up and went in the kitchen to drink water; her tail was up and perky again after being droopy and tucked under her body. When she woke up in the morning after a night with the glyphs, Abby returned to normal eating and drinking. She was fine and able to go out for a walk. That night I tested Abby using my pendulum and found there were parasites in the kidney area. Janice began working with the Parasite Glyph and amusingly, Abby began administering her own program as she would lie on the glyph for a half an hour and then move to another spot. Soon she would return to the glyph and this pattern persisted for the evening. Two weeks later, Abby is still fine, but the glyph is still in her doggie bed. still." ~Sakara Kemilla